Format Dates & Numbers in Word

Reformat dates and and numbers when using a Word template using the switch formulas below.

To insert a formula: Ctrl+F9
To update a formula: F9
To toggle all formulas: Alt+F9
*Personally, I’ve always preferred to update any formula changes by right-clicking and selecting ‘Update Field’.

DescriptionSFDC ValueIdeal FormatSwitch
Social Security Number – format number with hyphens and mask all but the last 4 digits111223333XXX-XX-3333\# “‘XXX-XX-‘x000”
Social Security Number – format number with hyphens111223333111-22-3333\# “000′-’00’-‘0000”
Format number to display percentage symbol7575%\# “##%”
Format number to display commas20002,000\# “#,###”
Format number to display decimals20002000.00\# “#.00”
Format number to display commas and decimals20002,000.00\# “#,###.00”
Format number to display currency and comma2000$2000\# “$#,###”
Format number to display currency, comma, and decimals2000$2,000.00\# “$#,###.00”
Format date06/12/2019June 10, 2019\@ “MMMM d, yyyy”
Display number in words250000two hundred fifty thousand and 00/100\*Dollartext
Display number in words – Capitalize first word250000Two hundred fifty thousand and 00/100\*Dollartext\*Firstcap
Display number as 1st, 2nd, 3rd1212th\* orginal
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