Which timezone is used? When scheduling your Report DocGen Package, the timezone used is the timezone set for the browser of the person who clicks the “Activate” button. Who is the Generated By user? The user who clicks the ‘Authorize Nintex DocGen’ button in the DocGen Admin tab will...
Nintex Drawloop Error: a request was made without prior authorization
Error An error has occurred: a request was made without prior authorization. Please have your administrator reauthorize the document generation app. (AuthInvalid) What is the problem? A system administrators credentials are no longer stored in the DocGen Admin tab for Nintex Drawloop to use in order to run the...
Attach back to record when using a Scheduled Report Document Package
Problem: The Sales Manager of XYZ Consulting currently uses Nintex Drawloop Document Generation to generate a monthly sales report for each active Account in Salesforce. Each generated report is then emailed to the Account Owner. They would like to keep an archive of these reports on the Account record...