Format Dates & Numbers in Word

Reformat dates and and numbers when using a Word template using the switch formulas below. To insert a formula: Ctrl+F9To update a formula: F9To toggle all formulas: Alt+F9*Personally, I’ve always preferred to update any formula changes by right-clicking and selecting ‘Update Field’. Description SFDC Value Ideal Format Switch Social...

Example: GROUP BY in SOQL

Problem: The VP of Sales would like to know how many Opportunities have the Lead Source of ‘Word of Mouth’. Additionally, she would like the number broken down by the Stage. Solution: Use the sample syntax below to write a SOQL query using GROUP BY....

Form Rules Now Available in Salesforce Lightning!

The newest release Nintex Drawloop Document Generation supports using Form Rules in Salesforce Lightning! You will need to use the Classic run experience, meaning the document generation process needs to be triggered via a button or link click. Sorry, Lightning Component users. For more information, check out the Release Notes....

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